I'm in Toronto so my view..might be different...
- TAXES Where i'm from, taxes are about 7%, so it's a big difference...in general..probably because of the difference of minimum wage..things are much more expensive in Toronto..
- free wifi seems to be more popular in the US...
-there's a Starbucks..Tim Horton and McDonald everywhere in Toronto..almost very corner...similar to the US, there seems to be more fast food chains in the US though..but Toronto has more exotic and international food...
-the grocery stores do not have the same variety as in the states... it's hard to find certain brand or products that are easily found in the states...and no plastic bags...alot of places in Toronto recently got plastic bags...in the US where i'm from...people get plastic bags free of charge..no fee..and there is two people at the checkout line..a cashier and a bagger to bag your groceries...some of food is different too...milk comes in bags in Canada...they are in plastic gallon containers in the US
-99cents vs dollarama...it the US I go alot to the 99cents store...it has great stuff...but I think dollarama is a whole lot better...much more selection and name brands...but in the US 99cent stores have refrigerated foods now...dollarama doesn't yet
-the houses in Toronto seems sooo small and are very close to one another...

yards are tiny...where I'm from, there is much more space and bigger yards
-a small fountain drink or coffee in the states is the same as a large or extra large in Canada
- Canada doesn't have certain US channels..I realized that when a year or two ago..they were announcing lifetime....some shows are behind and appear first in the US
-Canadian news is different...in the states it's all about murder, and in Canada, they have stories about people..and small issues..and about the States....everything that happens...is in the states or about the states....where i'm from...there's a shooting..a murder..a car accident every day....in Canada if one little thing happens..its big news...
-yard sales and flea markets..where I'm from yard sales and flea markets are big..people sell gently used items for 50cents to 5dollars...people just try to get rid of there stuff...its cheap...and you find all sorts of treasures...in Canada...the flea markets I have been too...vendors are selling merchandise...and want store price for them...
-Bargaining...my husband does this constantly in Canada...he will try to bargain prices..and it works most of the time..it the US..where i'm from..people wont bargain a price with you at the store..only at a yard sale...
-Spelling difference in Canada...I didn't realize it til one day..my husband and I noticed we spelled the word "honor" "honour" differently...in the US it's honor...in Canada..its honour....another difference I noticed is the word for bathroom...in the US its restroom or bathroom...in Toronto everyone says washroom....
-Easier to travel in Canada...I wait hours for a bus in the US..in Canada..its easier and faster
- In general people are soo nice and kind in Canada...they are much more friendly than in the States...
Over all, I like Canada...its not too different...