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How do I contact Canada Immigration - phone number doesn't work, and no offices


May 24, 2011
Hi there

I'm in Canada as a tourist on the visa waiver program.

I need to talk to Immigration about how long my passport stamp allows me to stay. I know it's supposed to be 6 months, but in my case there's a couple of extra considerations that may make that shorter, and I need to discuss with an immigration officer.

However, I can't contact anybody.

Note: I have replaced "." in the following links with "-" in order to be able to post them.

www-cic-gc-ca/english/contacts/index.asp#callcentre lists the phone number 1-888-242-2100, and states that agents are available between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday, but that number is 100% automated. I'm calling at 10am, and have tried all the options, and there is no way to speak to an agent. It appears it MAY be possible to speak to an agent if you have an application number, but that doesn't apply to me, because I've arrived on the visa waiver program and thus don't have an application.

www-cic-gc-ca/english/information/offices/help.asp lists visa offices, but the only office that allows in person help is in Vancouver, but I'm in Montreal, so that's CAD$1000 return flights from here.

It appears I have two options:

1. take the 7 hour, CAD$100 return journey to Quebec city from Montreal by train, to the office there that offers "Emergency Services for temporary residents", and try to see someone (even though my question isn't an emergency)

2. OR probably first bet, the Montreal office - even though they only deal with refugee claimants. And hope someone will talk to me anyway.

I've also called Service Canada, on 1-800-622-6232, and they tried to help, but all the guy could do is read me the same information on the cic.gc.ca website, that I already had.

Anybody got any better ideas?


VIP Member
Nov 11, 2008
Job Offer........
Yes the toll free number is automated at first, but after you patiently entered the correct digits, a human representative will answer your call. Try again.


May 24, 2011
I figured it out. Posting here for the benefit of others.

As at 24 May 2011, there is a secret option that they don't actually tell you about.

To get an agent, you need to call the number and then dial the options 1100.
(1 for english, 1 for visitor enquiries etc, then 0 for an agent).

They don't actually tell you to press 0 for agent, it's not one of the announced options.

I guessed, as I can press 0 for an agent when calling my bank.

The agent I spoke with was very, very helpful, but I must say - that is the most retarded, anti-customer-help automated option line I've ever called. They HIDE the option of getting help. CRAZY.

For other people googling:
1 888 242 2100


Jul 29, 2014
I just tried dialing 1100 but even when it said to speak to an operator press 0 and I pressed 0 it said my selection was invalid.

I pressed 1 2 8 typed my client id and year of birth and got through
the first time it rang through and said they were experiencing high volume of calls and it hung up on me. I rang straight back and was on hold for 10 minutes. The phone went quite a couple of times but then went back to hold messages so stay on the line if that happens. But did get through to an operator eventually


Nov 26, 2015
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
10 Jun 2015
Doc's Request.
27 Jan 2015
AOR Received.
27 Aug 2015
Med's Request
29 Apr 2016
Med's Done....
09 May 2016
Passport Req..
10 June 2016
molinari said:
I figured it out. Posting here for the benefit of others.

As at 24 May 2011, there is a secret option that they don't actually tell you about.

To get an agent, you need to call the number and then dial the options 1100.
(1 for english, 1 for visitor enquiries etc, then 0 for an agent).

They don't actually tell you to press 0 for agent, it's not one of the announced options.

I guessed, as I can press 0 for an agent when calling my bank.

The agent I spoke with was very, very helpful, but I must say - that is the most retarded, anti-customer-help automated option line I've ever called. They HIDE the option of getting help. CRAZY.

For other people googling:
1 888 242 2100
Thanks molinari for sharing your experiences...
Sep 6, 2016
Aussie111 said:
I just tried dialing 1100 but even when it said to speak to an operator press 0 and I pressed 0 it said my selection was invalid.

I pressed 1 2 8 typed my client id and year of birth and got through
the first time it rang through and said they were experiencing high volume of calls and it hung up on me. I rang straight back and was on hold for 10 minutes. The phone went quite a couple of times but then went back to hold messages so stay on the line if that happens. But did get through to an operator eventually

I am facing this same issue. Dialled the same number but its the same recorded automated voice. Please help. How to contact the customer care representative? It's urgent!