There needs to be an order or a system to things. With 'CIC draws' in particular, it kinda seems they dont have a particular methodology to their ITA selections. there dont seem to exist a focal point about how the draws are done. the process seems very dynamic in nature.
Yes it does make sense and i do understand what you are saying.
So you are saying they are adhering to some criteria about issuing ITA's, which case you mentioned that their focus point is 'how many people they want to invite each draw'.
having said that, i dont think thats how they are doing it based on their the previous draw numbers. the highest ITA number being the 47th draw of 2427.
But with what you are saying, they seem to be determining everything based on the CSR scores. like the scenario you mentioned,
"So they see that there are 2468 people with a score of 490 or above, but they see there are 2670 with 489 or above. They don't want to go over their 2500 quota for that draw, so they invite everyone with a score of 490 or above with 2468 invites."
But then going back to my original question and based on your answer, what if there are 4532 people with a score of 490 above? Would all 4532 people get their ITA's? Or would they push the CRS score above 490 to maintain the area of below-2000-something?
As you mentioned earlier the draw criteria could be based on the following:
1. Number of people they decide to invite. (but the number fluctuates with each draw).
2. CEC category, FSW category or PNP category (but there's no category mentioned in any of the draws, except the 48th one where they did mention PNP only).
3. Minimum cut-off score (claims there's no cut-off score as such)
4. none of the above.
Am i making any sense? :-\