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Horrible ceremony experience


Full Member
Jan 9, 2015
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Hi everyone,

Sharing the humiliation that happened to me today in Vancouver.

After two years of processing, I got my invitation to take the oath today. I took half a day off work, unpaid, even if I'm currently broke. I wore my best suit and invited someone dear.

I waited in line like everyone. My turn comes, the agent says: "even if you have the invitation, you are not on the list. We called you and left you a voice message two weeks ago to inform you that we needed to reprocess parts of your application because of your name change".

So I said, no, you didn't call me, it's not true. Then the manager comes and says "we emailed you". I said no, I haven't received an email either.

And regardless, I sent them all the documentation back in JUNE. They never took care of it, apparently.

Now, they emailed me an hour ago to ask me to send them the documentation (really?) so they can reprocess my file.

I left the building, shamefully, in front of everyone, 5 minutes away from taking my oath.

How proud of being Canadian do they think I will be when it finally happens?

There is nothing to do against them. This inept administration always wins.

ps: the agents were unable to speak proper French and we had to switch to English. Which doesn't really bother me, but it's worth mentioning.


Star Member
Sep 12, 2014
leflex said:
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Hi everyone,

Sharing the humiliation that happened to me today in Vancouver.

After two years of processing, I got my invitation to take the oath today. I took half a day off work, unpaid, even if I'm currently broke. I wore my best suit and invited someone dear.

I waited in line like everyone. My turn comes, the agent says: "even if you have the invitation, you are not on the list. We called you and left you a voice message two weeks ago to inform you that we needed to reprocess parts of your application because of your name change".

So I said, no, you didn't call me, it's not true. Then the manager comes and says "we emailed you". I said no, I haven't received an email either.

And regardless, I sent them all the documentation back in JUNE. They never took care of it, apparently.

Now, they emailed me an hour ago to ask me to send them the documentation (really?) so they can reprocess my file.

I left the building, shamefully, in front of everyone, 5 minutes away from taking my oath.

How proud of being Canadian do they think I will be when it finally happens?

There is nothing to do against them. This inept administration always wins.

ps: the agents were unable to speak proper French and we had to switch to English. Which doesn't really bother me, but it's worth mentioning.
Don't feel bad. things happened for go0d or bad we don't know. Last week I had my test, after test they handed me oath invitation, I was happy and went to my car as soon as I start my car security guy came and told me they want to talk to me. I went in again and they told me because I was in USA before I came to Canada they want to check more to see if I am still living at US and they took away my oath invite and told me they will mail me after the investigation. I am working here in Canada for last five years and my sons are going to school here and they had all these information with them still they used their power to make me wait. I don't know how long it would take for them to finish the investigation. So my friend don't loose hope or sleep over it. Enjoy the life and put these stuff behind.


Full Member
Jan 9, 2015
Thank you for sharing your experience. I'm sorry that something similar happened to you, but at least you seem to deal with it pretty well.

I took my test in August and waited till now for a ceremony, so I am really mad.

I will send them that damn documentation again, and include a harsh letter that I will also forward to my local MP and the minister of CIC to let them know how our lives are being handled by those people. If they want to retaliate and give me my citizenship 1000 years from now, I don't care anymore.


Champion Member
May 24, 2010
Job Offer........
leflex said:
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Hi everyone,

Sharing the humiliation that happened to me today in Vancouver.

After two years of processing, I got my invitation to take the oath today. I took half a day off work, unpaid, even if I'm currently broke. I wore my best suit and invited someone dear.

I waited in line like everyone. My turn comes, the agent says: "even if you have the invitation, you are not on the list. We called you and left you a voice message two weeks ago to inform you that we needed to reprocess parts of your application because of your name change".

So I said, no, you didn't call me, it's not true. Then the manager comes and says "we emailed you". I said no, I haven't received an email either.

And regardless, I sent them all the documentation back in JUNE. They never took care of it, apparently.

Now, they emailed me an hour ago to ask me to send them the documentation (really?) so they can reprocess my file.

I left the building, shamefully, in front of everyone, 5 minutes away from taking my oath.

How proud of being Canadian do they think I will be when it finally happens?

There is nothing to do against them. This inept administration always wins.

ps: the agents were unable to speak proper French and we had to switch to English. Which doesn't really bother me, but it's worth mentioning.
I truly feel your pain but remember that there is a good side of everything that comes on our way. Please look at the bright side of your experience and move on with your life by resubmitting whatever document they are asking you for. Be calm and relax. I am confident that you will get your citizenship very soon.
Be blessed always.


Star Member
Sep 12, 2014
leflex said:
Thank you for sharing your experience. I'm sorry that something similar happened to you, but at least you seem to deal with it pretty well.

I took my test in August and waited till now for a ceremony, so I am really mad.

I will send them that damn documentation again, and include a harsh letter that I will also forward to my local MP and the minister of CIC to let them know how our lives are being handled by those people. If they want to retaliate and give me my citizenship 1000 years from now, I don't care anymore.
You have right to write your concern and express your anger the way they handled your case. We should come out of shadow and increase our voice let the official know our displeasure about handling our application. here is a link one person wrote about her husband case.
may be we all need to get together as a group and send tons of letter to CIC, MP's and government official so that they might wakeup. I am sure all of us who suffering for this long wait will not vote for the people who are responsible for that. On us to let them hear it.


Feb 12, 2015
Dont feel bad buddy. Everything happens for some good reason. And as they say, c'est la vie :) Here is another experience I found on another forum, which I am copy pasting here.

I want to share my experience in the hope that it helps others in the same situation.

I applied for federal skilled worker class a few years ago and since I was living in Canada then (on a student visa), I sent my application to Buffalo. My assessment was done within the usual timelines of that time and I received my medical form after a year and a few months. But after I did medical, I didn't hear back from CIC (immigration) anymore. After a few months, I sent them an email and the response was "We have requested background information from other government offices(s). We cannot provide a date when the processing of your application will be complete."

This typically means that your file is sent to CSIS (Canadian security agency) for an in-depth security check. In many cases of in-depth security checks, after several months, the applicant is called in for a (security) interview and if everything goes well, they get their immigration in 3-4 months after the interview. But in my case, after waiting for more than a year and sending several emails, nothing was happening. They neither called me for an interview nor asked me any questions.

I tried to find other ways:

1- I asked my MP (member of parliament) for assistance. They contacted CIC on my behalf, but CIC gave them the same answer. Apparently, MPs can help you when the problem lies within CIC, but if it is a security check, they cannot do anything.

2- I got the CAIPS notes for my file several times. They usually block out everything related to security checks from the CAIPS notes they send you, but I found some evidence that there was a misunderstanding between CSIS and CIC regarding my file (each one was waiting for the other). That could contribute to 2 years of the delay, but even after the misunderstanding was resolved, nothing was happening.

3- I sent a letter to the director of CSIS asking if they are working on my file. By law, they have to answer (I guess within a month). I received a letter in response that confirmed they were working on my case, but they said they couldn't give me a timeline for completion. After a few months, I sent them another letter and explained that I'd lose some important job opportunities if I didn't get my immigration soon and told them that I was ready to attend any interviews, etc and explained that I had never been involved in any criminal, military or political matter. The response was the same as the first response.

4- I talked with a few immigration consultants and an immigration lawyer and they all told me that there was nothing that I could do expect for waiting.

More than 3 years had passed after I did my medicals and still no answer from CIC (except for "we are waiting for background checks"). One day when I was googling to see if someone had the same problem, I found a forum post with a reference to the possibility of taking the case to federal court based on a concept called "writ of mandamus". But the forum post was written by someone who hadn't done this himself, so there were not many details about that.

So I checked the website of the Federal Court of Canada and used their "decisions search" feature to find cases (from the menus, choose “decisions”, and then “search”) on mandamus cases against the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Looking at tens of cases, I figured that I could in fact use mandamus.

Now, if you are a person with a history of involvement in criminal or terrorist acts, then you deserve having a hard time getting a security clearance.

But if you are like me and you know you have done nothing wrong, then you can assume your background check was delayed because of reasons like

- misunderstanding

-your file being lost or assigned to a lazy clerk

-Being born in a country that is considered suspicious

-Name similarity

In that case, keep reading this post.

I literally looked at 20-30 cases. Most of them did have some issues in their past (like membership in terrorist organizations), but a few were just ordinary people. All in all, based on previous rulings of the court, my conclusion was that you can use mandamus if the delay in your immigration file has been "unreasonable". To be regarded as unreasonable, a delay must meet the following three conditions:

(1) the delay in question was longer than the nature of the process required, prima facie;

(2) the applicant and his or her legal counsel were not responsible for the delay;

(3) the authority responsible for the delay did not provide satisfactory justification.

It seems that a period of more than four or five years has been accepted as "the nature of the process required" in previous rulings. There are even previous cases involving permanent residence applications where delays between three and five years were found to be prima facie longer than required (see cases of Platonov, supra, Kalachnikov, supra and Hanano, supra).

You can go to decisions.fct-cf.gc.ca/en/index.html and use the keywords "mandamus" and "immigration" and "CSIS" to find similar cases.

Note that in many cases, immigration had claimed that the delay is not their fault because they did their part in a timely manner and it was CSIS that caused the delay. But interestingly, many judges didn't accept that excuse and ruled that the applicant is a client of CIC and not CSIS and it's the duty of CIC to give them a response one way or another and dealing with CSIS is CIC's issue, not that of the client.

So I used the case summaries in the Federal Court website and compiled a list of all lawyers who had a successful mandamus case (note that you need an immigration LAWYER for this and not an immigration consultant). I then tried to find their contact address by googling their name and contacted each of them asking for quotes.

Be careful here! Some lawyers may not know enough about mandamus and they may mislead you by saying that even if your application has been in process for more than 4 years, you cannot use mandamus. Ignore those guys.

Also be careful about the costs. I got quotes ranging from $2000 to $8000. I finally went with a lawyer that had several successful cases and charged me $2000 for a mandamus application. Our agreement was that if the matter was not solved before the court date, I would pay an additional $1000 to him to appear in the court.

So my lawyer filed a claim on my behalf based on the fact that I had been waiting for my immigration for a bit more than 4 years and the fact that I had never been involved in any "bad stuff". My lawyer told me that in most of the cases, the moment you sue immigration, the wheels start to move and CIC tries to finalize your file before they have to appear in court. So most likely, you'll get your immigration before the court date. And that was exactly what happened to me. When you file for mandamus, it may take around 3 months for the court to accept to take your case and set a court date and the court date may be within 3-4 months of that time (so your court date may be 6-7 months after you file your claim).

In my case, right after I filed my claim, immigration contacted me and asked for my updated address. Then, they started to ask for some documents, etc (including renewing my medicals). After the court date was set, they seemed to double the speed! Long story short, I got my immigration visa shortly after the court date was set (i.e., a few months before the court date).

So I strongly recommend this approach to whoever has been waiting for more than 4 years and knows in their heart that they don't have any skeleton in the closet.

Here is some additional info:

1- An immediate concern would be that if you sue immigration, they'd retaliate and reject your immigration application or get you in trouble somehow. Fortunately, it doesn't work that way in Canada. They don't take this personally and they can't reject you without a good reason (at least if you have applied before 2008 when the Immigration Act changed).

2- In what I suggested above, the legal case is between you and CIC. That is, CSIS is not directly a part of the case. Another approach is to make a complaint against CSIS. Once you write a letter to the director of CSIS, if you feel that their answer is not compelling and they are keeping your file without any good reasons, you can submit a complaint to Security Intelligence Review Committee (SIRC) [see the details on the CSIS website]. I didn't try this and honestly I was skeptical about it, but later I heard from a friend of my friend that he went with this option and it worked for him. The advantage is that this is free of charge and you don't need a lawyer (because SIRC is not a court). Note that you may pursue both options (suing immigration and complaining to SIRC) at the same time.

I went through a lot of frustration while I saw that everyone who had applied years after me got their immigration, but my file was stuck and CIC wouldn't help me a bit. I found this information one bit at a time during my years of struggle and I hope that sharing it would help people with the same situation as me.


Full Member
Mar 11, 2015
Don't be sad my friend it happens like this at times same with my friend happened like that a lot happens with people nowadays a lot its disgraceful and unexpected from them


Full Member
Jan 9, 2015
Thanks everyone for your very kind words.

Lover: I will read your post with attention tomorrow morning when I feel refreshed.

FYI, I have just sent CIC a harsh (but polite and structured) letter and I CCed my federal MP.

People are scared of CIC, well, I am not. I've had it with them. Someone has to be held accountable for this 8)


Hero Member
Dec 15, 2010
poushi24 said:
Don't feel bad. things happened for go0d or bad we don't know. Last week I had my test, after test they handed me oath invitation, I was happy and went to my car as soon as I start my car security guy came and told me they want to talk to me. I went in again and they told me because I was in USA before I came to Canada they want to check more to see if I am still living at US and they took away my oath invite and told me they will mail me after the investigation. I am working here in Canada for last five years and my sons are going to school here and they had all these information with them still they used their power to make me wait. I don't know how long it would take for them to finish the investigation. So my friend don't loose hope or sleep over it. Enjoy the life and put these stuff behind.

Do you feel like they may have unfairly targeted you because of nationality etc ? How can they come running like that after telling you by sending someone while you were starting your car ! that's a bit cruel...


VIP Member
Sep 14, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Visa Office......
CIC Etobocoke, H&C Grounds
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App. Filed.......
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24-02-2015, PR Card Received: 02-04-2015
Rescheduling the ceremony or making someone wait a bit longer looks not so bad when someone has their file closed after long 6 years of waiting without any right to appeal... And all this just because the CIC officer made a mistake due to his/her ignorance. Just a simple mistake that ruined that applicant's life and the faith to fairness of the CIC.


Full Member
Jan 9, 2015
Suin said:
Rescheduling the ceremony or making someone wait a bit longer looks not so bad when someone has their file closed after long 6 years of waiting without any right to appeal... And all this just because the CIC officer made a mistake due to his/her ignorance. Just a simple mistake that ruined that applicant's life and the faith to fairness of the CIC.
Of course! This story that you tell me is terrible. Who did it happen to? Yourself? It's awful!

This said, from the smallest to the biggest, CIC is just a big unaccountable monster. Small stories shouldn't happen, and big stories shouldn't happen.


Star Member
Sep 12, 2014
us2yow said:

Do you feel like they may have unfairly targeted you because of nationality etc ? How can they come running like that after telling you by sending someone while you were starting your car ! that's a bit cruel...
I wish I know the answer. Hope you are wrong, they shouldn't target me for my nationality then again who knows. I am trying to leave this stuff behind and move. It is very heart breaking.


Hero Member
Oct 9, 2014
Job Offer........
Way to go! very proud of you. I have been doing the same, calling them everyday, requesting ATIP every week, contacting my MP...we cannot remain silent as this is just utterly unfair. My application has been processing for more than 42 months now and I have decided to be proactive and let CIC know that this situation is unacceptable so hopefully something will come through soon but I am not too hopeful.

leflex said:
Thanks everyone for your very kind words.

Lover: I will read your post with attention tomorrow morning when I feel refreshed.

FYI, I have just sent CIC a harsh (but polite and structured) letter and I CCed my federal MP.

People are scared of CIC, well, I am not. I've had it with them. Someone has to be held accountable for this 8)


Star Member
Jul 10, 2015
Burnaby, BC, Canada
Job Offer........
Hi leflex, Poushi24,
Mine has been a similar experience on the oath ceremony being cancelled after receiving the written notification. In my case, my oath ceremony was scheduled on June 12,2015. But on June 01st, the CIC officer called me and informed that my oath ceremony was cancelled and that one of her co-workers would call me in 2 weeks. That has not happened to date. I didn't go to the oath ceremony. The CIC officer left her number and I called her on June 29th. She was unable to provide further details, but just mentioned that additional information is needed. I clarified with her if it is from my side or on their end. She mentioned that if they need from me, they will call me. I had asked if I can call back by the end of the month to receive an update, to which she has agreed.

Net / Net, I took my test and cleared in the last week of Mar 2015, and have now been waiting for over 110 days for the revised oath ceremony.

If you happen to receive an update from CIC, please do share your experience. As you know, this wait is very agonizing. Thank you.




Champion Member
Apr 30, 2012
Job Offer........
leflex said:
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Hi everyone,

Sharing the humiliation that happened to me today in Vancouver.

After two years of processing, I got my invitation to take the oath today. I took half a day off work, unpaid, even if I'm currently broke. I wore my best suit and invited someone dear.

I waited in line like everyone. My turn comes, the agent says: "even if you have the invitation, you are not on the list. We called you and left you a voice message two weeks ago to inform you that we needed to reprocess parts of your application because of your name change".

So I said, no, you didn't call me, it's not true. Then the manager comes and says "we emailed you". I said no, I haven't received an email either.

And regardless, I sent them all the documentation back in JUNE. They never took care of it, apparently.

Now, they emailed me an hour ago to ask me to send them the documentation (really?) so they can reprocess my file.

I left the building, shamefully, in front of everyone, 5 minutes away from taking my oath.

How proud of being Canadian do they think I will be when it finally happens?

There is nothing to do against them. This inept administration always wins.

ps: the agents were unable to speak proper French and we had to switch to English. Which doesn't really bother me, but it's worth mentioning.
You did name change during the process or before you applied?