The AOR2 was sent to Applicants email address.tofuboi said:Hi jmo1968.
Was it the applicant or sponsored person who received it?
The AOR2 was sent to Applicants email address.tofuboi said:Hi jmo1968.
Was it the applicant or sponsored person who received it?
Hi Mumof3,Mumof3 said:Ian,
Thanks for your info about HSBC.
I applied the criminal checking at Police headquarter this morning, it tooks only 10 mins.
Don't wait for CIC request, just print out the CIC email with your name and UCI. Save 4 weeks!!
Hi LN9714,LN9714 said:Hi Mumof3,
Do u know your criminal cert. has been transferred to HKVO yet? I called the police headquarters on yesterday, they said that my cert. has been transferred to HKVO on 8 April 2015, but my on status still "application received", how about u?
Will u cancel the MPF account on HK? I wanna cancel and withdraw my MPF fund, do u know how to do? Thanks.
Hi Ian,Ian C. said:Hi LN9714,
all you have to do for MPF withdrawn is going to Government Office to make declaration of saying that you are going to leave HK permanently within 3 months (immigration to Canada), lets say Aug 2015 and then they give you the declaration documents .( 1 hour or less can do ) and fill-in the MPF form ( given by your agent) for withdrawn (need to do first before declaration). and then bring this letter to your MPF agents to apply for refund. It takes less than 1 month for this processing. For me , only 3 weeks that I can get all MPF money, transferred to my bank directly. >>>>>> please fill-in the MFP withdrawn form first and then go to Government Office for declaration.
Hi LN9714,LN9714 said:Hi Ian,
Is that means no need to provide an evidence for HK Gov't Office to make this declaration? Thanks.
Hi IanIan C. said:Hi LN9714,
If you are sponsor, of course you have Canadian passport, then use passport for your evidence. if you are the sponsored person (applicant)
then you need to wait for COPR letter or PR Visa in your HKSAR passport for your evidence as well as declaration signatures of Govt authority to apply for the MPF withdrawal.
should you have any questions, please let me know.
Nov 28th,2014 received by Mississuagacrystalclear752002 said:Hi, buddies,
My application was recieved by Mississuaga on 17th Dec. 2014, AOR1 was on March 3 2015, SA was on 17 March 2015, now it should be transfered to HKVO according to SA.
I am now waiting for AOR2. Is anybody in the similar situation?
Thanks for your reply.
we are at a very similar timeline.Mumof3 said:EandV,
Congrats!!!! DM took 6 months after SA. Pls let us know the next step. Are you on July 2014 thread?
I am Nov. App transferred on Mar 3, 2015.
Did you see `In process' status before DM ?
not so sure, maybe cic call back some of their officers in beiJing. I heard that their budget have been cut down 30M this year.LN9714 said:Why the application has been transferred from Beijing to Hong Kong Visa Office? Beijing have their own VO?!
Judged by the fact that nothing has happened for the past two months since the transfer which was in March,I highly doubt this is the solution to clear the backlog.bukeluke said:I heard there's backlog in BJ office, therefore, transfer to HKVO to clear the backlog