No, not at all, my husband is Canadian. We didn't even have a wedding, just a civil ceremony, just me and him and two witnesses. It was a big red flag for them but we didn't want an actual wedding since my family is not very supportive with this interracial relationship so they did not want to attend the wedding. I just did the interview today and I was just speaking truthfully about our marriage. She asked a lot of my husband's information, which of course I know it all. At the end she said I know there's many red flags and it happens, but I don't see any problem with your case so I will approve it. You will receive an email to request for police clearance and redo medical examination since its expired.
The whole interview last for 30 mins I'm so happy!!!! Now I just have to wait for the request. Best day ever, my husband and I can finally start our lives together.