If you don't qualify for FSW-1( i.e, if you occupation is not in list of 38 occupation list) , than you may apply under FSW-2 category where you need a Job offer from Canadian Employer approved by HRSDC ( Human Resources Services Department of Canada).
An other option for you is business immigration, if you have required funds available, you can apply as business immigrant/ self employed etc.
You may also eligible for apply Provincial Immigration, where you don't need to worry for Ministerial List of occupation, but almost all provincial immigration, by living out of Canada, you must have a "Job Offer" from a employer in order to apply Under PNP.
Province of Manitoba also has an option where you can apply if you submit 2 affidavits of support from your family Permanent residents of Province of Manitoba or 2 CLOSE FRIENDS.
There are other ways like applying as student etc... best way to go is .. start reading Canadian Immigration Website where you will find all ... start from here..
Good luck.