Well, I believe there are two things;
1. An educational loan
2. ITR + Bank Statement
If you have (1), thn nothing else matter,
after all over half of Indians do not file any sort of ITR. You need (2) only to substitute your need of any loan, like a very impressive ITR and a bank statement with heavy transaction. Of course (1) is always preferred. Even CHC (India) has started using the word “Preferred” for educational loan post Spetember-2011. A Loan issuance itself shows that you have a credible financial level and that's enough.
In my visa application, I focused heavily on my academic achievements, awards, competitive admission process of MBA (like GMAT, telephonic interview) and interestingly enough, I focused too much on proving my ties to Canada

(as my sibling live over there, and I wrongly thought it shall strengthen my application). I did nothing to even prove my level of establishment/family tie to India. I just mentioned my work history and put off no support documents. And my visa was delayed due to some issues related to Passport.
I repeat just stick to SPP visa checklist and forget about rest of the things.