I contracted HEP-C from the medical field, and I found out about it from the Red-Cross several years ago. I was diagnosed at a time when Hep-C was relatively unknown, and there wasn't much of a treatment for it.
I wasn't much affected by it in the beginning, but I got to the point that I was tired a lot, and my joints hurt quite a bit. I fell in 1996 and broke my back and had a bad compression fracture which laid me up for almost 2 years.
In this time period, my doctor put me on a lot of Tylox and Percocet, and then Methadone for chronic pain. These drugs destroyed my liver over a 6 year period and I started to retain fluid in my legs and body. My highest weight, including fluid retention, was 464 pounds, of which 130 of that was fluid. I was so full of water that I couldn't walk across the room without gasping for breath. My calves were about 26 inches around and the fluid stretched my body out to morbid proportions.
On September 14th of 2004, I went to my gastroenterologist because my calves were so tight with water that I started to have water shoot out of my skin like a water gun. My legs became very infected and I was put into the hospital. That is where I found out that I had stage 4, or end stages Cirrhosis of the liver.
In December of 2004, a friend of mine contacted you, and you called me back. You sent me your nutraceuticals, which have tremendously built up and detoxified my body. I hardly ever get over fatigued and I no longer have a bulging liver. I have taken off 98% of the fluid and am losing weight with the Anavone.
I know that my body is rid of most of the Hep-C, if not all of it. I can walk about 2 miles now and not get over exerted. I know that I am only going to improve more and more. I am now getting my life back, thanks to you, your products, and your advice. God bless you.
By God's Grace - Duane B - Tucson AZ