i know its a very weired query but i need to get authentic information about study permit rules specially after a refusal under Spp.
So is there anyway i can solve my queries by directly calling them?? i am fed up of dealing with consultants where everybody provide information suiting their needs.
and if not the embassy can anyone give me a number of some trustworthy person whose knowledge is upto date regarding this matter and can be relied upon because i really kind of trust the people on this forum as many of them face the same difficulties.
help would be much appreciated.
i know its a very weired query but i need to get authentic information about study permit rules specially after a refusal under Spp.
So is there anyway i can solve my queries by directly calling them?? i am fed up of dealing with consultants where everybody provide information suiting their needs.
and if not the embassy can anyone give me a number of some trustworthy person whose knowledge is upto date regarding this matter and can be relied upon because i really kind of trust the people on this forum as many of them face the same difficulties.
help would be much appreciated.