Hopefully someone can shed some light on what to do from here on. My student permit got rejected for the following reasons:
• I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay, as stipulated in
subsection 216(1) of the IRPR, based on your personal assets and financial status.
What are good examples of ties to home? I have both my siblings living in Canada, one is a citizen and the other one is on a work permit. I live with our dad and I run my freelance business. I'm a student, never gone to university or college, haven't worked for anyone. I want to get my education in Canada since the schools in my country don't offer the same level of education.
What can I use to demonstrate my ties?
• Pursuant to paragraph 220(a) of the IRPA, I am not satisfied that you have sufficient and
available financial resources, without working in Canada, to pay the tuition fees for the course or
program of studies that you intend to pursue.
This doesn't make any sense to me. My Uncle has decided to pay for my tuition and he already paid the first semester. We showcased how much money he had allocated for the studies and they show more than enough. Enough that I could do a masters right after I graduate and still have left over cash. Should I have him write a better letter? Everything I sent in is in English.
Hope someone can help me out as I don't wish to re apply and get rejected once again.
Hopefully someone can shed some light on what to do from here on. My student permit got rejected for the following reasons:
• I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay, as stipulated in
subsection 216(1) of the IRPR, based on your personal assets and financial status.
What are good examples of ties to home? I have both my siblings living in Canada, one is a citizen and the other one is on a work permit. I live with our dad and I run my freelance business. I'm a student, never gone to university or college, haven't worked for anyone. I want to get my education in Canada since the schools in my country don't offer the same level of education.
What can I use to demonstrate my ties?
• Pursuant to paragraph 220(a) of the IRPA, I am not satisfied that you have sufficient and
available financial resources, without working in Canada, to pay the tuition fees for the course or
program of studies that you intend to pursue.
This doesn't make any sense to me. My Uncle has decided to pay for my tuition and he already paid the first semester. We showcased how much money he had allocated for the studies and they show more than enough. Enough that I could do a masters right after I graduate and still have left over cash. Should I have him write a better letter? Everything I sent in is in English.
Hope someone can help me out as I don't wish to re apply and get rejected once again.