my husband visited last month to Pakistan. now I would like to send some addtional proofs photos, shopping receipts , ticket and other expenses proofs. what to write to the visa office.. plz tell me the format of letter. thanks 
You can get the email address for the VO office and send it in as attachments on email. Include the UCI number for the applicant and any other info to identify them.Coldstream63 said:I would like to bump this to the top of the thread. This is a great question, and one I wouldn't mind getting an answer to as well. Can someone help yani?
weLL i don't think it's necessary to submit evidences after submission unLess you have been caLLed for an interview... cuz that's the Last chance you can prove that the reLationship is genuine... i want to provide more too.. we submitted my partner's appLication Last November... my partner (Lucky us) has been granted TRV so we spent Christmas season and stayed tiLL Jan 31st.. We went skiing in BLue Mountain, stayed in Niagara FaLLs for 3 days, went to MontreaL and Quebec city, tour aLL must see pLaces here in Toronto... then i visited my partner Last March and went for an Indochina and SE Asian tour, went 7 countries and 9 cities... so technicaLLy, i can provide more evidences...Coldstream63 said:I would like to bump this to the top of the thread. This is a great question, and one I wouldn't mind getting an answer to as well. Can someone help yani?
Submission of additional proofs and evidences is always a plus point. It would rather strengthen the application.hanna747 said:weLL i don't think it's necessary to submit evidences after submission unLess you have been caLLed for an interview... cuz that's the Last chance you can prove that the reLationship is genuine... i want to provide more too.. we submitted my partner's appLication Last November... my partner (Lucky us) has been granted TRV so we spent Christmas season and stayed tiLL Jan 31st.. We went skiing in BLue Mountain, stayed in Niagara FaLLs for 3 days, went to MontreaL and Quebec city, tour aLL must see pLaces here in Toronto... then i visited my partner Last March and went for an Indochina and SE Asian tour, went 7 countries and 9 cities... so technicaLLy, i can provide more evidences...LuckiLy that i have discLosed that my partner wiLL visit me here in Toronto before we have submitted the appLication attaching the TRV..
yani said:my husband visited last month to Pakistan. now I would like to send some addtional proofs photos, shopping receipts , ticket and other expenses proofs. what to write to the visa office.. plz tell me the format of letter. thanks![]()