Hi Frds I got Rejection on 2 Aug 2013 and they gave following reasons
1. Your Travel History
2. Your Family Ties In Canada And In Your Residence Country
3. purpose of visit
4. your proposed studies cannot be considered a logical progression of studies
Please Frds Help Me What to do now I wanna re apply in jan intake even File is very week
10th 59%
12th 55%
B.com 53%
1 Year Gap
IELTS 6 Overall
But They Didn't Mention any thing about my low Grades any IELTS Score.
Now What Are The option still Available For me
1. Your Travel History
2. Your Family Ties In Canada And In Your Residence Country
3. purpose of visit
4. your proposed studies cannot be considered a logical progression of studies
Please Frds Help Me What to do now I wanna re apply in jan intake even File is very week
10th 59%
12th 55%
B.com 53%
1 Year Gap
IELTS 6 Overall
But They Didn't Mention any thing about my low Grades any IELTS Score.
Now What Are The option still Available For me