First of all, dear all, thank most of you, I am really touched for your helps..
Recent days I have been busy in applying the new passport. I think I can get it soon.
What I care most about is the kindness of people who care about me. Then I care how to replace my visa.. I really feel uneasy to re-prepare the files (proof of employment, physical check, etc) to apply a fresh visa.. so I think : can I just replace one? With this thought I went to ask Visa Application Centre (VAC), they told me to submit IMM1294, family member forms, police report, explanation letter regarding losing visa and pp, and the application fee. But I forgot to tell VAC the fact that I have not been abroad ever before.
So I have to go to ask them for the second time in person.... Their phone is always busy.
If anyone have encountered or heard about the similar situation before (i.e. lost pp and student visa before going to canada school, and had never been to canada), please kindly inform me your experience or example.
Thanks a lot. Best wished to all sincere you..... but to the naughty one, I just take him as naughty.