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Help.....getting my wife to Canada from the Philippines


Star Member
Dec 23, 2008
I met my wife on May 11th, 2008. We chatted every day through audio/video chat and during this time we fell in love. I understand that this is sometimes viewed as suspect, and this is really unfortunate because I'm sure it's happened to others and I don't see anything wrong with it in this day and age. I suppose it's those that use this as a means of immigrating that have ruined it for the rest of us.

Anyway, I flew to the Philippines on October 2nd and stayed until October 23rd. We were married on October 17th with the blessing of her parents and all of our friends and family. I have an uncle who happens to live in the same city as her, and he and his wife attended the wedding also. We have hundreds of pictures of the wedding, ceremony, reception, honeymoon, family, trips and site-seeing together. Every single member of our families and our friends was aware of our intention to marry and was very happy for us. We want to be together for the rest of our lives and we will wait as long as it takes to be united as a family here in Canada with her daughter and my son. My son has chatted with her many times on video/audio chat and I have played for many hours with her 2 year old daughter through the same means. We all think of ourselves as a family, and we're desperate to be together.

I have read alot online now and I have a pretty good idea of our obstacles - the short time we knew each other and the fact that we were only together once for 3 weeks and got married. We obviously have pages and pages of chat records of chatting every single day, records of money I have sent averaging 300 US per month since we met, hundreds of pictures, my flight records, and a wealth of family members who could attest to our sincerity and our love for each other.

I understand that it can sometimes be difficult in a case like this to prove the marriage is bona fides. I understand this. But we don't care how hard it is, we simply must be together one day as a family, she is my wife, I am her husband and our kids love us both. I know it's not usual to become married this way, but I don't think that should bar us from being together - how sad that would be.

If anyone has some experience with this, I would really really appreciate some feedback, positive or negative. I know alot of you did this without a lawyer but I am thinking of retaining the services of the attorney on this site just because my case may be more difficult. I also have a criminal record (assault) but not against a family member and nothing *censored word*ual. I think even though this doesn't bar me, it may slow down the process if they are interested in knowing more details of the offences. I am a recovered alcoholic and addict and I have since reformed and rehabilitated myself. I am now a successful Area Sales Manager with a well known and respectable company.

She is in the process now of gathering the required documents, i.e., the marriage certificate from the NSO, passport for her (our) daughter, police clearance, medical, etc.

Please offer any relevant or helpful information you may have. I would be eternally grateful because at this time the task looks daunting, although I will never give up.

Thanks.....and Happy New Year to all....