I never thought that I would ever even consider this since I am proud American. I am just testing the waters right now. I have been considering claiming refugee status or imigration to Canada. I am happily married with four children and I am tired of waiting for the other shoe to drop. I have been considering it because of our reckless goverment, wondering who we are going to war with on what week. Im seriously now worried about the lives of my family from corrupt goverment and the fact everyone wants to wipe us off the map. You never hear of Canada getting in a war with someone dfferent each week. We just want to live peacful normal lives without having to worry about being blown back to the stone age. Also, a a Christian, I feel we are being judged all the time. Our goverment has taken to catering to every religion but ours. Finially, I take my wife to midnight showings of movies all the time. Now I have to worry about violent shooters dressed in SWAT gear shooting everyone up in the theater. Do we have a claim for refugee status if we decicded to and or how do we immigrate? And am I wrong for getting to a point where I feel ike this? I have been to Canada! Why is it everyone you come up to on the street is so nice. Every stranger is so nice! Here everyone are the worst for the most part.