allizwell2 said:
Hi guys,
Not that long ago I was frequenting this forum to help me get through the difficult time of waiting for a loved one (wife) to arrive. Cut to the chase - not even 6 months in the day she gets a job in her field of study, same evening she says she wants a divorce and moves out the next day. I was shattered and have now been able to gather myself to do something about this. It's been almost 4 months since she's left the house - no contact what so ever. At this point it's quite evident that she married used me to get PR. She's still in Canada working at the job, and she and her family did the whole, don't report/contact any government authority regarding her status. A blessing in disguise has been the condition 51 on her visa and I need support and direction from the kind folks here on how to report her and to which authorities. Additional support in terms on divorce process, etc. would greatly be appreciated as well.
Thank you,
Al, so sorry to hear about your situation and I hope you have some friends or family support. Also please disregard anyone who tries to say "I told you so". Most people who fall in love are taking risks of all kinds and I pray you do not let this situation (once you are recovered of course) harden your heart.
Unfortunately, I have also seen the same lack of action that LaLa320 spoke of - even if your situation is reported CIC and/or CBSA may not act upon it due to resource constraints. If you really want some action you may have to go directly to your MP or the immigration minister's office, or both
Barring that you could contact the press, then the gov't will be "shamed" into acting on your behalf. Lastly, you could contact her employer as she may be "technically" working out of status due to condition 51. They could ask to see her passport and COPR and read that for themselves. Even if her employer cannot do this, I am sure it will cause some concern for them and they will not want to get "involved" with a potential problem like that.
I personally might want to contact a lawyer just because condition 51 has not been around long enough for challenges or precedents (that I am aware of ) and it will need to be interpreted I'm sure, in many different contexts and scenarios. I would want to know the impact this may have on you as well as your estranged spouse. If I really believed the person was cold and calculating and strategic the whole time, I would probably try really hard to ensure she would not be able to do this type of thing again.
But, if you believe that she was sincere when you were in a relationship before you married (and right after) and she may have fallen out of love with you through no fault of yours or hers (stuff like this happens) then I might not be so quick to act in a manner that felt like it was being motivated by revenge. Speaking for myself here not assuming anything on your part. You have to do what is right for you and will give you peace at the end of the day. None of us can make someone love us but we can attempt to hold others accountable for dishonest intentions or premeditated plans of deception that will cause harm to others.
Again my sympathies and prayers for this circumstance to be resolved in the best way possible.