Helican, my employer is sponsoring me. I wanted to ask if the following is OK. My employer will pay me in rupees the total expected cost of the degree + living expenses. I will convert this amount to USD and send via my newly formed USD account to university.
In my application, I will attach;
1) Affidavit from Employer (stating I will be on a leave of absence and they are supporting me etc.)
2) Bank Statement of 6 months of Employer
3) My Bank statement showing the influx of funds from employer
4) My USD account showing the incoming funds and outgoing to University
5) Contract between me and Employer stating terms and conditions of payment (basically that I will come back and work for them for a further 2 years)
6) Promotion Letter
7) Letter from University stating I have paid fee upfront.
The offer letter from Waterloo says
Program Duration: 12-24 months. I'm not sure what to put in the form for "Expected Graduation Date". Typically, the program is finished in 16 months (4 terms) - this is stated by Waterloo on their website. If I put in a Grad. Date that's 24 months in the future I will have to demonstrate that I have a huge amount of funds.
If I write 16 months, which is the duration most students take, the advantage is as follows;
- I have paid 75% of the fee to Waterloo (3 terms, 1 Year). 1 Term is pending.
- Employer/Sponsor has paid me in full for 4 terms (living and expenses)
I think this makes a strong application. There could be concern that if this student needs to take the full 24 months, where does he get the funds? For that, I think I will put in a statement in the employer provided affidavit that they will cover any additional costs if required (the additional 8 months).
What do you say?