On the link that you posted please see this.
If you are self-isolating and cannot go to ServiceOntario to register for coverage, please contact ServiceOntario INFOline at 1-866-532-3161. INFOline staff will advise on next steps as appropriate. You will be registered for immediate OHIP coverage and provided with a transaction record to use to demonstrate your eligibility for OHIP until your health card arrives in the mail.
I believe we can get a transaction number with which we can complete any medical emergencies till we get a physical card in mail. so after your airbnb stay for 14 days, just apply for a physical card. They have clearly mentioned below which indicates there is no need to worry.
Ontario is waiving the three-month waiting period for Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) coverage. We will also cover the cost of COVID-19 services if you are uninsured and do not meet the criteria for OHIP coverage.
I will not be going for any personal insurance before flying. only travel insurance may be.