Hi all you have been so helpful in the past, i do have another question. DH came to Ottawa to have his medical and it popped up a few things that he is havi g taken care of in the States, however the DR is trying to get us to pay her additional fees for phone calls(which she told DH woul be 4to5 dollars apiece-nope its forty five! And also she told him to se an edocronologist which his primary physician in the USA has done for him now the Dr up here wants an addiotional $10 for refering him after she got th i fo out of him as to who the DR in the USA is!) Is there any recourse to getting to back off on her money gauging? I am not happy as we are tryin to suppkrt two houses while we are trying to sell out our american house. Please let me know if this is a reportable issue as I am sure she is doing it to all the Americans she is doing exams for....