You should qualify for healthcare in Alberta if you will remain in Alberta for at least the next 12 months and make Alberta your permanent home. Your husband also needs to be living with you in Albeeta for both AHS and for inland sponsorship. You should read the residency obligations to qualify for AHS. You can only apply for OWP once you have AOR from your sponsorship application now. You will not qualify for any form of maternity payments so it would be much better for you to work before getting pregnant so you would qualify. Depending on whether your spouse has extended healthcare benefits through his employment that would also results in extra costs. If you worked you may have coverage through your employer. In general unless you are at an age where you need to get pregnant sooner rather than later it is much more difficult to have a baby right away versus getting established in Canada, get some work experience, build a support network in Alberta, get used to the country, get used to being married, etc. then get pregnant. Yes some people can have no issues with pregnancy but many face miscarriages, severe illness, problems with the fetus, etc. It can be extremely stressful and trying on a relationship, on finances, etc. Personally always suggest that if people are new to Canada that they prioritize establishing themselves in Canada, getting a job and building enough work history that if they are sick during pregnancy you already have goodwill with your employer and some sick days/time off available, you have extra savings because having a baby is expensive, you are working towards reaching the amount of insurable hours necessary to qualify for maternity EI even if you have to go on bed rest for an extended amount of time. In some cases you may find a job that “tops up” your EI which would mean receiving your full salary for part or your whole pregnancy. That is usually limited to mid to advanced level professional jobs but makes a huge difference financially if you qualify. You And your spouse may have never lived together so having time to adjust to being a couple before getting pregnant is invaluable because things can get really rough when it comes to pregnancy. Unfortunately people don’t often talk about the really bad stuff that can happen. You would think health issues for the mother, fetus and then baby during pregnancy and after childbirth are rare but it isn’t. People don’t even talk about miscarriages and they happen so frequently that people are shocked. Some people get really lucky and have no issues at all and feel great and love being pregnant but many do not. Of course personal choice but hopefully you and your spouse will talk through some of the issues I highlighted. Alberta is also facing a huge healthcare crisis on top of the general crisis facing all healthcare in Canada due to the UCP. Depending on where you live I would talk about local access to OBs or midwives especially if you don‘t live in Calgary or Edmonton.