Not sure I understand the point. The Canadian government is not holding you here; no need to wait for citizenship to leave. Whether YOU will find a "
better" place to live, for YOU, I offer no guarantees or, for that matter, suggestions. The vast, vast, vast majority of people in the world have never even visited Canada, let alone thought about living here. One might say, understating it more than a bit, Canada is not for everyone. Not close.
And rather apparently Canada is not for you. Even though it appears Canada has something you want, and it appears you intend to take. Not an uncommon attitude. Not admirable either. According to the myth, an attitude that is not all that Canadian either. Like many myths, it is a nice myth even if it is just a myth.
I first came to Canada well more than a half century ago, briefly, and when still fairly young, still a half century ago, I even thought about moving here, which was also briefly. I did not think much of that idea again for the next quarter century plus some. But now I have been mostly here, in Canada, very grateful to be in Canada (and yeah
there is a woman to blame, with much thanks) for more than twenty years, settled permanently here for well over a decade. Those who pay attention are aware, yeah, I have been around, and around. Or, as at least one here has said, rather unpleasantly, I am an
old piece of . . . I'll say "
stuff" because, as others might say, I can appear to be a bit of a
stuffed-shirt . . . or full of you know what (it being obvious a few here are very familiar with you know what, wallowing in it even).
But for all its disadvantages, and lack of coolness, age can offer perspective, the broader and longer view. No guarantee it will. As an unsavory character in a novel I am absolutely certain you have never read, and never will, tends to repeat, self-deprecating,
once a lawyer, always a liar . . . meaning, among other things,
once a [you get the drift], always a . . . In contrast, I make an effort to take advantage of the opportunity to have perspective. But sure, sometimes the view is not especially appealing; cannot help, for example, to see that there is no shortage of narcissistic opportunists bad mouthing good people as they maraud and exploit their way toward perpetual unhappiness they are all too willing to blame on others. Some even blame Canadians, even as they say how sorry they are for some.
Or, let's just say I am old enough to see past the dance and pretense, old enough I ain't buying the crocodile tears.
You are undoubtedly right when you say:
"All these issues are pushing me to move out after citizenship. I am a regular person and I do believe if I feel this way, so do others."
I may not be a regular person (one of those disadvantages that can come with age), but I know more than a few. I even know some who share that view, albeit it pops up in a forum like this far, far more often than in any other venue I visit, way, way more so than in real life encounters. The vast majority, regular persons and not so regular persons, and some rather remarkable persons as well, express a rather ebullient enthusiasm for the life they have in Canada, now and prospectively. One of the best days of my life was the day I took the oath of Canadian citizenship. And a big part of what made that day so wonderful was the utter joy and exhilaration so many others were expressing, without reservation, especially those who were sharing the experience of becoming a Canadian citizen together with several members of their family, and the relief others expressed having gotten to the oath after a long and arduous journey.
I can say, without reservation, I have been around. Canada is the right place for me. It is obviously the right place for the vast majority of people I know and interact with. . . . And, there are many more I know who do not live here who envy those who do live in Canada (between extended family, friends, and business acquaintances, I have a lot of contacts with people living in that rather worse than you describe Canada to be country, to our south, Americans who wish they could live in Canada).
Canada is not for everyone. Not close. And even if for many immigrants this is not the place, there are millions of immigrants for whom Canada is the place to make their life. I was just talking to a young immigrant who only recently came to this "
small town" in Canada where, some might say, there is "
no life," and they rather exuberantly expressed how happy they were to be here, in this small town. Despite being allergic to making confessions, I confessed to this young person that as much as I likewise truly love this small Canadian city, literally a thousand km away from any major Canadian city (not quite that far from a major metropolitan area in the States, but that's a country I prefer to avoid), I would not have been so happy here when I was young. The beaming face convinced me this young person was sincere and clearly not so shallow as I was at that age.
Canada is not for everyone. Not close. For many, however, Canada is home. Maybe it is a second home for some. For others, like me, where we came from has not been home for a long, long time. Not going back there. This is the place. Oh Canada oh yes indeed.