As far as I know, the only way to contact the office of Dr. Ross Miller is by telephone, and it is really hit and miss - I have called all day on a Monday and not had anyone pick up, and called early on a Monday morning and someone picks up right away. The lady who usually answers the telephone is called Rachel. The first appointment we got, for August 15, she phoned one day to CANCEL because the doc is on holidays from the beginning of August or so. We had bought plane tickets and everything - so we had to re-book. Very expensive. They don't care.
The office also will NOT send you any kind of email confirmation. Make sure you leave your Toronto cell number on file for them so they can call you back if they need to.
Because of the cost of changing all the flights, my son and I from Canada are not going down anymore - just my husband and son in Cuba. They are staying at an AirBnB close by. The price is not the same for adults as for children for the medical. My son is an adult and we need $500 USD. They did say that no fasting was required.
You will need photocopies of the passports for your Cuban family AND their original passports. You will need vaccination history for them and any other medical history. There is a nurse there that is Cuban, and she also helps with translation if necessary. Apparently Dr. Miller speaks Spanish as well. They also told me that everything is completed in one day.
Puedo responderte en español tambien si quiere, pero creo que es mas util para la gente en este forum si respondo en ingles.

Suerte con el processo - no es nada facil. Saludos.