Hey SassyLassie!
AWESOME about the extra day off.. and a little jealous too.. lol. My best friend (that I also work with) is also pregnant and im certainly starting to see the advantages! lol It's great that you were able to get the (technically) working day to work on something super important and get things together. I remember the amounts of times i sat at my dining room table with papers sprawled EVERYWHERE and the anxiety knots in my stomach. (Just thinking about it now, the same feelings coming back--UGH) Sounds like you did good! We had 65 people at out wedding and the list of his friends and family that had met me was even bigger so I know the craziness of getting all that down! I remember telling my husband, uuhhhm, i really dont think its necessary to put the clerk at the store next to your house.. and he was like, why?? they know you by name and they have met you and theyre the ones that see my family everything, so it shows you were here! so i let him list it allll out. lol
Dont worry--vent all you want, thats why were all here, and ive certainly had my days! lol. As of now I'm still on a high from our CIC approval but I can imagine it will start to diminish as we wait to hear something--ANYTHING-- from Havana...
OMG--my phone bills were RIDICULOUS for a good part of our relationship.. over 1000$ a month at times, but it was the only way and I had to do it..now with the blackberrys its gone down a LOT.
Ive managed to do a lot of weekender trips throughout the year. A typical year post Cuban husband (and once bf) for me looks like this: 2 weeks december/january, one week in march, one weekend in april (easter), one weekend in May (victoria day) Two weeks early July, one weekend September (Labor day), One weekend October (thanksgiving)--and lather, rinse,repeat. its absolutely RIDICULOUS, but it would kill me (and him) to have it any other way. weve been extremely lucky with the timing! It usually takes a few days of searching, but i always find either Fri-Mon, Thurs-Sun or something of the likes. This time though will be short. Friday morning ill arrive at 10:30am, and leave SUnday at 6pm, but as you said, its totally worth it. 2 nights of snuggles will get me through the rest of the time till december. Problem with this is we cant be picky about where. we have been to Camaguey, Varadero, Havana, Holguin (where my husband is from)sometimes landing in varadero and traveling together to Havana to get back home.. pretty hectic. but worth it. My husband has said that it doesnt matter where, if i can get there he will be at the airport waiting for me! (and always with a gift, mind you--can you believe the cuban is the one out of all my relationships that has spoiled me the MOST??)
Your post is not putting me to sleep--hence the long long response... it really helps to have ppl going through the same thing, so really its good to talk about how we all manage to keep sane under these excruciating circumstances... So ask away! im happy to answer whatever i am able to! were all, KJG included, very lucky to have incredibly supportive families and friends, because not everyone is as lucky as us, and as if it it wasnt hard enough, that would make it impossible....
So now my turn to ask a Q!! haha Howd you meet your husband??