So, is it finished? Have all the positions been filled?Nombre de demandes reçues : 3 500
Nombre maximal accepté : 3 500
Vous ne pouvez pas soumettre cette demande, le nombre maximal de demandes de certificats de sélection pouvant être acceptées pour le programme régulier des travailleurs qualifiés a été atteint. Votre demande sera supprimée après 90 jours, cependant si ce nombre maximal ne vous concerne pas, votre demande pourra néanmoins être soumise. Pour plus d'information, consulter les Règles et procédures d'immigration.
mrhman0304 said:Hello Guys,
I already registered my account. Now, to fill the form, I am always trying at
and then press "Sign In", then put "User Name" and "Password", and then next the "Security Question". I always find Error 003.
My question is,
Am I following the right link/procedure to fill-up the form? Or, do I need to follow something else?
This is interesting.lildip said:so what does the below message means ? -
Access Denied
Error code 14
Request was blocked by the security rules
h4ck3r? Try the Incapsula security challenge, we're looking for 1337 researchers!
anybody has any idea ?
you are welcome.bosschips said:This is interesting.
Ive been getting this message too. Exactly like this.
I have successfully logged to Mon Projet a few hours ago and completed around 50% of the profile then got dropped with this.
Thanks for the input.