this's ridiculous, I feel like Hamilton office closed its door and not processing any fileJune 2019 applicant. Still waiting for test invite.
good luck my friend. I cleared my test a year ago March 2020, and no word sinceNoIm May 2020 applicant. Waiting for test invite
I couldn't agree more my friend. It's incredibly frustrating.this's ridiculous, I feel like Hamilton office closed its door and not processing any file
Congrats, glad to see some movement form Hamilton OfficeHi ,
I got test invite from Hamilton office. Already taken the test and now waiting for the next step..
That's amazing news. Glad to see some movement from Hamilton office. Gives other applicants like me some semblance of hopeHi ,
I got test invite from Hamilton office. Already taken the test and now waiting for the next step..
Has any applicants from Hamilton received a test invite ?
YesHi ,
I got test invite from Hamilton office. Already taken the test and now waiting for the next step..
It seems that us Hamilton applicants gonna just wait and wait that's it.Has any applicants from Hamilton received a test invite ?
Seems like they are taking their own sweet time...It seems that us Hamilton applicants gonna just wait and wait that's it.