Before anything else, I would like to thank all of you who have put in the effort and took the time in providing answers and information that has been helpful to many.
Job prospects are one of the crucial points for h&c considerations.
I didn't fill for asylum but for H&C. I think I will send app this month. I lost my job. Long and sad story but I am sure H&C is way for me and my family.
Our humanitarian and compassionate reasons for applying inside in Canada are:
1) Life and settlement in Canada
2) The best interest of our children
3) We are part of a mixed marriage
4) Hardships if we move from Canada
5) Our religion.
6) your opinion?
Little bit more explanation: We got second child here in Canada (he is now 3 years), the older is 7 – he is going to French school. My wife was living in my country for only 4 years, then we moved here, so we belong to different countries. I was told that this cold be good reason for H&C app as well. We have friends here. Canada is really our home. I volunteered here, and worked for one religious organization. After I lost job, we moved to the multi-ethnic Church, where I am often involved in many Church activities (my family as well). It is very hard for us to go back - we have nothing in our countries. Zero. No property, house, job, nothing. At the end, together we belong to a religious community that is a minority in my country.
We are almost done with our app. However, I would like to hear your opinions about some details. For example, there are few, let's say, statements or questions in
Supplementary Information Humanitarian and Compassionate Consideration app which I am not sure I know what to write:
7) explain the humanitarian and compassionate reasons that prevent you from leaving Canada. Humanitarian and compassionate reasons can not include fear or persecution, torture or risk to life or cruel and unusual treatment or punishment in your country of origin
--> I added 5 reasons. Maybe you have some tips for more?
8) if you are requesting an exemption because you or a family member are inadmissible, or do not meet any applicable criteria or obligation of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, you must:
clearly indicate in your application the specific exemption you are requesting, and
provide all details related to this request, including the reasons why you should be granted an exemption on humanitarian and compassionate grounds
--> I didn't understand this. I left blank.
9) if applicable, describe the circumstances of your family and other relationships that would support your humanitarian and compassionate application
--> I described something, but maybe your tips could be helpful.
10) if applicable, considering the best interest of the child, provide information on any child affected by this decision
--> The same as previous. More details - better.
11) how have you established yourself in Canada
--> We love here, of course. However, what the word "established" could mean for H&C app? Canada is our home. Our children do not know any other country.
12) how do you support yourself financially in Canada
--> This is very hard to explain. I do not have regular job, some small online job but if they ask me to provide how much money I earn - that is not enough for 1 week. And I am here without job and income for 18 months. We had some savings (soon and we won't have any) but I don't think so it is good idea to put job without valid work visa.
13) Indicate any other information you want to have considered in your application
--> Still thinking about this.

Maybe my wife can write something, since she lived back in my country for 4 years, and she has bad experience there.
Also, any tips for so called "letter for support" from friends? I would like to know what exactly should be written from our friends. We have a lot of theme here, from different countries.
Thanks guys.
P. S. If anyone thinks they can send me a private message instead of writing here - go ahead. Thanks in advance.