I was no there during the appeal, so I do not know what my lawyer exactly said to the judge, but I am sure why I was granted to stay, here as the factors on my favor:
* A crime against me was committed before we sent the first H&C application.
* This application was sent after charges were laid.
* Later this application was rejected because the immigration officer who handled my case he did not believe me, he thought I was lying about the crime.
* A long time after this, the offender was found guilty for an indictable crime ( most serios offence)
*My lawyer appealed this rejection and I was approved by reconsideration by the judge, but then the other imm officer blamed for the crime and rejected it as well.
* My lawyer decided to send the second application.
* Documents about the sentencing, my establishment in Canada and a affidavit were sent in my second application.