prakashgupta said:
Hi guy's please don't miss-understand me, as am not protesting any one who are willing to come to Canada what i am saying is if you have proper funds for your college fees and other unexpected expenses you are welcome (as u can manage your living cost by doing some part time jobs however you need to bring minimum 4-5 months of living cost amount with you)
What's wrong with that?
mainly what am pointing is some students coming here are dreaming to make millions of rupees by making some jobs etc etc...for those people my advice is u cant even make your college fee k.....your part time money will barely supports for your living that's it k............ .you have to struggle hard for minimum of 4-5 years to settle here.......i personally encountered several students who are coming here with few money and they are feeling to shy to ask few more money from their parents when needed/their parents are not able to bear those amounts so they are struggling hard......and leaving their studies and going in a wrong track actually they are good but the situations making them like that......
Actually, those cases mostly are to be blamed on agents who are lying, just to make it look good so that ignorant people, like yourself, who don't do their own research by checking official websites, talking to the advisors on their campus (can be done via email), get on forums and read experiences from others, fail and blame everyone but themselves. You see, you can sit there and complain as much as you want that "so and so" told you, but the one who is at fault of putting you in this situation is - YOURSELF!
some people are saying that Canada is changing their rules to favor students but they don't know how you are going to be affected by those rules i have an explanation for each and every rule that has changed recently
WRONG! Immigration are saying that they are changing the rules to strengthen the international student program. This is done to stop crappy schools from being part of the program so that only schools who can actually teach and educate people will be allowed to accept international student. We don't need another situation like up in Sask where the campus is so full of non speaking english students just because the campus has accepted whomever. The PRIMARY reason to come here as an international student is to STUDY.
Canada is Following UK k.
Are you kidding me? Have you actually lived there? Do you know how bad it is in UK? Do you know that in UK, immigration (those LEAVING UK) is the equivalent of one Boeing 747 full of people leaving - every day. Have you experienced the rasism, the gender segregation, the class system there? Canada is no where near the same.
you are stupid enough to believe those rules and cannot predict the future........Actually the thing is Canada is a multi-cultural society but due to its previous immigration rules it is polluted by each and every nation and the native Canadians are protesting to change the immigration rules...
The native Canadian mostly lives in reservations. Everyone else all have an immigrant background. The native, or more commonly called first nations, are not involved in the decission making of the immigration program.
previously Canada needs more population so they created a easy immigration system...... but now they had enough urban development and some provinces like B.C have already started to control population to maintain balance in the society........ by the new rules they are going to suck your money and leave one is stupid in this country to barely watch foreigners who are exploiting their economy.......
Ok, again, the primary reason for an international student to come here is to STUDY. Then they should leave. It says so in our study permit application package. You have to prove strong family ties to your home country. If your primary reason to come here to study was for immigration purposes and you either didn't get your PGWP so that you can apply for PR eventually, or failed your classes (Judging by your english, I believe the latter is the primary reason for your hate.), or did get your PGWP but couldn't find a job (Judging by your attitude, I wouldn't be surprised if that was a reason.), then you have no-one to blame but yourself for not understanding what the PRIMARY rules behind the student program.
i think some people responding to this post don't have a possession to reply k.....have you ever been here(Canada)......r you experienced in everything?
I don't think you possess a command of the english language to be taken seriously or even post this. No properly structured sentences, wrongful use of words, no capitalization at the start of each sentence, no proper punctuation, and so on.... Come to think of it, did you actually study in Canada at all? You would have known how to do all of that if you had. I'm still in class and learning, every day.
some one posted that he has got a campus job in 3 weeks oh well done boy how much you r getting 700buks wowwwwww really excellent i never seen such a lot of money in my life...have you read the complete post? am talking about College Fee buddy not about your talent in getting a campus job k i earned double the money by working in a transport company lol!
Campus jobs are part time and they pay minimum wage, or slightly above - that's it. Had you done your research in advance, you would have known that and it wouldn't have come as a shock to you. You have NO ONE to blame for your failure than yourself because you didn't do your research in advance. You more than likely listened to an agent who painted gold lined streets and a bucket of gold at the end of each rainbow and that you'd be working in management from day one with a $3k weekly pay check. Blame yourself for being dumb enough to believe it. Thankfully, the new rules mean that less students like you will enter Canada, leaving more space for us who come here to learn.
There are plenty on my campus who found jobs within a few weeks. I'm not one of them, but I'm not complaining.
if u have any doubts post a reply................
Nah. I don't have any doubts. I did my due diligence. I did my research. I visited the country several times (first time several decades ago). I knew what I was getting myself in to so I am not disappointed with my experience here.
I don't even doubt that you don't have a foggiest idea what you are on about. You're just throwing out random hate, just to blame everything else for your failure, than yourself.
Good luck wherever you are. You will continue to fail unless you change your attitude and start taking responsibility for yourself.