edmonta said:
this is true.
I got the same letter from ND VO after sending them CSI.
sooner or later,PJS will be through!!!
Please see below a reply from NDVO which was received by an applicant very recently, where VO is still saying "processing of your application is likely to begin in 2012; however, finalization may not occur until after 2012". So not sure whats the real intention of NDVO here?
I had sent a case specific inquiry to NDVO on 1st March, due to change in my marital status..
'This is to inform, that in order to notify you of the change in my status from 'never married' to 'married', I had sent a fax to your office on 10th Feb 2012 stating the same. For this effect I have send a courier (Blue Dart No: xyz) containing all the necessary updated forms, along with photographs of my spouse as well as that of the marriage. The fee payment form has also been included with the necessary credit card details. The courier was delivered to your office on 28th Feb. Hoping that the documents have been recieved by your office and the same will get updated soon. '
Today I received the reply by NDVO.
Dear Sir/Madam,
This is in response to your recent enquiry to the Immigration Section of the Canadian High Commission in New Delhi.
You may note that we have received your spouse's documents. An Acknowledgement of Receipt letter was sent to you after your application was received by our office. Your application has now been reviewed by a visa officer.
Unless we have specifically asked you to do so, you are not required to submit any documentation at this time. Our office will contact you to provide any additional supporting documentation for the assessment of your application.
If you applied as a Federal Skilled Worker on or after 27 February 2008 and before 26 June 2010, processing of your application is likely to begin in 2012; however, finalization may not occur until after 2012.
Unfortunately, it will take longer to process federal skilled worker applications submitted under the first set of instructions (between 27 February 2008 and 25 June 2010) than originally projected. During this time, the department received applications for more than 425,000 people, and 144,000 of these have not yet received a decision. This number represents more than twice the number of projected admissions under the federal skilled worker program in 2011.
Applications in the Skilled Worker category are processed in order of receipt. Your application forms and fees guarantee your place in the processing queue. Your file is being processed in accordance with its place in the queue, based on the date on which the application and fee payment were received in our office
Until we contact you, the only information you are required to provide us in order to update your application is:
- Change of address or contact information, including email address
- Change in your family composition
- Request to withdraw your application and refund the application fees
- Submission of an Arranged Employment Opinion approved by Human Resources and Social Development Canada
- Change to your representation
If you wish to engage, change, or revoke a paid representative, the form IMM 5476 Use of a Representative, available at this link: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/representative.asp, must be completed and signed by you then sent to our office. In all correspondence with our office, remember to quote your file number, full name, and date of birth.
Processing times to finalization may vary depending on the number of new applications received and the individual complexity of each application. Applicants can check the status of their case on the CIC website by clicking on Client Application Status. For actual processing times of permanent resident applications in New Delhi for the last 12 months, please click here. Applicants may also refer to our website, www.india.gc.ca, for more information about processing times.
We trust that this information will be of assistance.
Immigration Section / Section de l'immigration-3
High Commission of Canada
7/8 Shantipath, Chanakyapuri
India / Inde
Websites/ Sites web: www.india.gc.ca
For all e-mail correspondence with our office, we request you to use the enquiries form at:
Always include the applicant's full name, date of birth, passport number and file number in your message.