The surgeons, scientist was just as example. So it does not matter if you are a scientist or a janitor as long you are an employee and have an employer. the class is employee here who will request to be selected to work for an employer and go through a recruitment process.
2nd thing read my previous comment again.Finally licence is just an requirement. In other jobs the requirement could be a degree, experience etc but once you pass that hurdle then east indian employer will hire east indian candidate if OP & a east indian both meet the requirements then the east indian guy will get the job in brampton.
Again its not about ethnicity.In this case ethnicity is the factor that is common.
The issue is the common factor which could anything.
For example a teacher you worked years before has become the pricipal and is goining to be the interviewer. So you will selected for the job rather than the OP no matter how much his profile is better that yours.
Also some jobs will need people of sameland. for example rolex shops has chinise employee as most buyers will be chinese HNI. So even if someone worked in the rolex shop in india will not get the job for rolex shop in vancuver as its customers are different unless there is a rolex shop in brampton.
Now not everyone is unethical. But most of them are.
Again the issue is not limited to canada only but happens everywhere undetected in all countries.
Matter of fact canadians openly admit it and promote it.
Networking is fancy technical term and an example of that.
The thing is in other countries the population is homogenous and thats why it remains undetected but here in canada you can detect the employees in a particular establishment that has a hiring manager who made sure to give jobs to people of his sameland.