@ Nits
10th 83%
12th 63.4%
btech in ece 70.8% (got 1 backlog but got cleared in gazette,so no reappear exam)
ielts 7.5 (read 8.5 lis 8.0 speak 6.5 writin 6.5)
No study gap
GIC and Half fees paid
ITR statement of dad
nothing else
10th 83%
12th 63.4%
btech in ece 70.8% (got 1 backlog but got cleared in gazette,so no reappear exam)
ielts 7.5 (read 8.5 lis 8.0 speak 6.5 writin 6.5)
No study gap
GIC and Half fees paid
ITR statement of dad
nothing else