Can any one help me ?
I have applied for HRM in centennial college for jan intake
10th 58% cbse
12th 54% pbse
B.A 53% Panjab university subjects public administration history and sociology
No gap
6.5 ielts score
Reading 6.5
Listening 7.5
Writing 6
Speaking 6
Overall 6.5
Can u please help me can I changr my course nd re apply in general category?
Please help me friends
I have applied for HRM in centennial college for jan intake
10th 58% cbse
12th 54% pbse
B.A 53% Panjab university subjects public administration history and sociology
No gap
6.5 ielts score
Reading 6.5
Listening 7.5
Writing 6
Speaking 6
Overall 6.5
Can u please help me can I changr my course nd re apply in general category?
Please help me friends