I have very difficult query regarding claim adaptability points.
here is small text:
from my village one person in Canada and he is citizen of canada (remember he is not my uncle at all but he is from my small village and he like to give me adapatability points as mentioned that he is my uncle on papers but he is not my real uncle).
my grand fahter name and his father name is same.
even my father's grand father name and his father's -- father name is same too. confused!!! here is example:
my father name : Ratankumar Maniram Yadav
Person in Canada : Narenkumar Maniram Yadav (born in same village where my father born).
my grand father name : Maniram Reshmdas Yadav
person in canada fathers -- father name: is same : Maniram Reshmdas Yadav.
now to claim adaptability point in relationship we just have to show person name match with father name, on my father passport and his passport father name and all are same. so, can I claim points that mentioned he is my uncle, and even he is ready to show all documents , canadian passport copy , birth certificate (if you look birth certificate of my father and the person in canada you will sure say thats your uncle) becasue village name, age of my fahter and person age is similar means he is younger then my father just 3years differences in age of my father and person age who wish to sponsor for claim adaptability points for me.).
so what you think guys, becasue I need 2 points more.