speaking frankly, i applied on 22 nd of june and my application got received on 30th of june

....i got a return with a information written with few lines highlighted with pink colour. these whole paper say as:
A review of your application indicate you do not meet the requirement of the instructions with respect to the completion of your application or, the requirement of section 10 of the IRPR (

what is IRPR) because:
It is not accompained by the reults of our English or French language proficiency assessment. Please not that only test reults from a designated third party languate testing agency will be accepted. Please see Section o11.5 (
What does if state plz tell if you know) of the following manual for compete in formation about the designated testing agencies:
2 Please see the highlighted item on the enlosed checklist or the enclosed appendix.
As your application does not meet the requirement of section 10 of the IRPR, it is being returned to you for this reason. your application fee was not processed and is also being returned to you. your application has not been received ,and no record has been retained.
New requirements
Please visit the website of the deoartment of Citizenship and immigration canada at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/index.asp for complete information about the new requirement. there is an eligibility assessment tool on this website, as well as the most recent version of the applicant guide. the quide cantaions information on the new instructions and other reuirements that must be met before an application can be placed into procesing.
If you submit an application, please pay particular attention to all the forms, inforation , documents, evidence, signature, proof of language proficiency, and fees required.
in adition, please note that applications wil be asssessed according to the instructions in place at the time they are recived.
Thank you for your interest in Canada
central intake office...