Hi there,
I'm guessing you must've already sorted your query as this was posted a year ago but I am still repyling, in the hopes that someone else might find it beneficial.
This is the format of the gift deed that I used. A friend of mine used the same format and received his PR, I am awaiting mine. Please note that this is not an official format. It's just something that worked and it covers all points that the CIC mentions.
1) Jon Doe - Donor
2) James Doe - Donee
1. Mr. Jon Doe, (mother/father of James Doe) aged xx, resident of xxxxxxxx, hereby solemnly says and declares the following:
a) Out of my mutual love and affection that I bear towards my daughter/son James Doe (Passport no. xxxxx), I made an absolute gift of Rs. xxxx, vide online transfer, Transaction Reference no. – xxxxx, from my account no. – xxxxxx, address of bank on xx/xx/xxxx to James Doe's account no.- xxxxx, address of bank
(the transfer can also be through cheque, in which case add the cheque number and address of bank)
b) Furthermore, I declare that in the gift of Rs. xxxxxx, made by me to my daughter/son James Doe, I hold no share, right, title or interest possession, benefit claim or demand into or upon the sum and the gift is irrevocable. My daughter/son, James Doe is the absolute owner thereof and is free to utilize it in any manner.
2. James Doe, the donee named above says and declares the following:
a) The aforesaid gift of Rs. xxxxxxx, has been accepted by me.
b) I say that, since the making of the said gift and my acceptance thereof, I am the absolute owner of the said sum of Rs. xxxxxx and Mr. Jon Doe since then has no share, right, title or interest possession, benefit claim or demand of whatsoever nature on the said sum of Rs. xxxxxx
This Gift Deed is effective from xx/xx/xxx, from the date Mr. Jon Doe transferred the said sum to James Doe's account.
________________________ ______________________
Mr. Jon Doe (DONOR) Ms/Mrs. James Doe (DONEE)
The deed need not be registered, it needs to be signed by both the donor and donee and ofcourse notarized as it makes the document authentic. I'm not very sure about the dates to be honest but one thing you have to make sure of is that the funds are transferred after the deed has been made.
For instance, if the gift deed is dated 25th July 2019 and the funds were transferred on 12th July 2019, then that looks suspicious as the funds were received way before the gift was even drafted,so try and avoid that. But ofcourse, if the gift deed is made on 25th July 2019 and funds are transferred on the same day or after this date, its okay!