Thanks Marsiangal for your valuable advise. Sorry for late reply. Okay Marsiangal, should I send my papers to IQAS or APEGA for credentials assessment?
Hi Saygul,
Thanks for letting me give you advice,
In my opinion, You have an awesome profile. Especially all your experience in the oil and gas industry!

Did you look into the APEGA website yet on getting you credentials assessed by them specifically? (Not the SAIT assessment) I believe companies would hire you even if you are just "eligible" giving you a timeline on when you need to obtain your P.ENG status by or atleast giving you the time to get membership. And if you talk to the right people and connect with the right crowd (once in the company) you will always have a job in Calgary. Based from what my husband told me, there is a lot of internationally educated engineers that he has worked with and they didn't have any problem. Because most companies provide seminars and trainings to help their employees be up to date with what processes and stuff that Canada is using or doing at the moment.
So like I've been saying over and over, lol. Get your credentials assessed by APEGA. I do not think you should be in a hurry to go to school as your educational background and experience can easily land you a job.
As for your wife, might be a different situation, I am not exactly sure, But I know people that were nurses with long time experiences in other countries. And they had to take courses and exams here to actually be a licensed nurse, (Some end up being an LPN or health care Aide instead of an RN because it is that hard.) So I can imagine how much more being a doctor. Oh actually i just remembered I used to work for a lady that was a doctor in Pakistan and she was studying hard to get a license to practice her medicine here.
Personally I would hate for you to start your new life in Canada with LOANS.
As much as possible avoid it. It can add up you know! lol. First it's just student loans, then your gonna want to get a car then a house, then furniture. and before you know it your in deep debt. It's so easy to get credit and loans here in Canada so be careful with that.
Also I think your little girl will be able to go to school which is subsidized by the government and you pay a minimal fee, but is it the After school care that you should look into cause it can get expensive.
I just got an idea, did you look into what jobs are available for your field? try or the Canadian job bank.
Most employers are open enough to do a Skype/ Messenger via the internet interview before you coming here so that might be a good idea to try you never know if you can get a job before hand. Also make sure you let them know that you are gonna be a PR and are getting your credentials assessed so that they will not have to worry about work permits and stuff for you and your family.
I do not know what else I can share. But just let me know if you think of something.