You really should be looking for colleges and universities that qualify for PGWP. DLI designation is not enough. You can ask on the forum if you are applying for a good college or university.
You should get a refund in the school fees if you withdraw before a certain date. All other fees are not refundable if you apply for a student permit and don’t get accepted. Spouses of students are not guaranteed a visa or permit to come to Canada. Would encourage you to apply alone to speed things up unless you won’t move without your spouse. A spouse can apply for a SOWP after you receive your study permit.
You should get a refund in the school fees if you withdraw before a certain date. All other fees are not refundable if you apply for a student permit and don’t get accepted. Spouses of students are not guaranteed a visa or permit to come to Canada. Would encourage you to apply alone to speed things up unless you won’t move without your spouse. A spouse can apply for a SOWP after you receive your study permit.