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Get announced as being ineligible for EE even though was being eligible and got in the pools for 6months

Ngan Le

Dec 3, 2021
Hi everyone,

This post might be a bit long since my case is a little bit confusing. Hope everyone can understand! :(

I created my EE profile last September in 2022 and I was eligible for CEC at that time. I completed the applications (me and my common-law partner, i am the principal applicator) and got into the EE pools already. My score for EE was 352 points. Therefore, to be able to get more points to get selected, I’ve applied for MPNP with job seeker code from EE application (still waiting for Mpnp approval , been 3 months already). THEN, I just received an email yesterday said that i am not eligible anymore for EE with fewreasons/examples might cause:
- not having a valid language test (I have valid CELPIP test)
- language test results are more than two year old (my CELPIP test will be expired in July 11,2023)
- a language test score that is too low (my Celpip test results are 9/7/8/8 in an order of Reading/Listening/Writing/Speaking).
- not having enough relevant work experience (i've been working as a FT worker as a Food Service Supervisor - TEER 2 NOC since May 14th, 2021. So its almost 2 years working full-time now in Canada)
- not having required education levels (I obtain 2-year diploma from Red River College)
- not having enough funds ( I dont really remember how much I inputted to the application that time, around $13-15k for 2 individuals)

So, perhaps I guess the reasons I got kicked out of the pools because of my funds are not enough (might be at least $16k for 2 people) and my English test is almost expired!?
My questions are:
1. Because i am still waiting for MPNP approval, I will take another English test next week and plan to create new EE profile with updated English results and already have more funds available in my account now ($20k). After that, I will email to Manitoba government for updating my new job seeker code if I can apply for new EE application. Is that possible? Am i still able to get more points from MPNP and get nominated under EE? Or I can’t apply for EE anymore since I already have my MPNP application with invalid job seeker code (due to invalid old EE profile)
2. If the option 1 is not possible, then my only way is go with MPNP pathway to get pr?

Im really confused and worried now since I dont know which ways should i go better next. My English is not perfect which might cause confusion for you when reading this thread. I will try my best to explain more if you can help me out. Really appreciate everyone's help to my problem now.