Hey guys. I have a question regarding the application form to request the certificate of good conduct, i hope you can help me with some information.
So i filled up the form and signed it. Even though the requested amount is 13 Euros, my bank can transfer to Germany a minimum of 20 Euros, so i transferred 20 Euros instead (i hope it is okay for the German police and they will not miss understand the extra payment).
I took the application form to Notary Public in Dubai (UAE) and they refused to stamp the red box in the form because it is in English language, instead they provided me with a separate paper which mentions in both Arabic and English (Approval of signature) and it has my full name, passport number and signature. Signed and stamped by Notary Public (Dubai Courts). Is this fine? Or the Notary public needs to be in the red box of the application form?
Furthermore, can i send the documents to German police or the Notary public needs to be attested by Foreign Affairs where i live?
Thanks in advance everyone.