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General Discussion: Comments Welcome from Everybody!! (including under 40's)


Champion Member
Feb 10, 2009
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Is it Advisable for anybody in his early 40's (b/w 40-45) to continue pursuing Immigration?
I am sure there are many people in this situation i.e people who, when they applied were under 40, but due to the long waiting period have now attained the age of 40 or over?

Any constructive comment would be welcome?



VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
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Why would it not be advisable? I think age discrimination in Canada is against the law? (not sure) but generally when you are writing your CV in Canada, you don't put your DOB or your age because it's irrelevant and you don't put your picture either (erm.. like in Germany). If you get an interview and you walk in as a very old crippled man with a cane or two canes or a walker and you are applying for a physical job, you may not get it but that's about it.


Champion Member
Feb 10, 2009
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Leon said:
Why would it not be advisable? I think age discrimination in Canada is against the law? (not sure) but generally when you are writing your CV in Canada, you don't put your DOB or your age because it's irrelevant and you don't put your picture either (erm.. like in Germany). If you get an interview and you walk in as a very old crippled man with a cane or two canes or a walker and you are applying for a physical job, you may not get it but that's about it.
Thanks Leon for the input.
If you get an interview and you walk in as a very old crippled man with a cane or two canes or a walker and you are applying for a physical job, you may not get it but that's about it - LOL.
At least that is relieving, to know that you don't have to put your DOB and stick your picture on your CV in Canada.
It is true that you have to do both in Germany.

Well, if at that age one still stands a chance of getting a job, I think that it may still be lucrative to go ahead.
(However, I do sincerely believe that there is no country in which there is no age discrimination though.
Even if the Laws state the contrary).
I am kind of getting double-minded as per the changes in time line of London CIC, which at the beginning of the year were still favorable, but have now gone back to 42-48 Months.


Star Member
Feb 26, 2009
Toronto, ON
BobbyB said:
It is true that you have to do both in Germany.
Yes that's true!
A "proper" German CV includes DOB, place of birth (country/city), maritial status, passport picture, and if you are younger and applying for your first or second job it also includes the names and professions of your parents and how many sisters and brothers you have
:eek:)) very thorough... very German! :eek:))

So even if Germany has quite strict non-discrimation-laws - discrimination due to gender, age or nationality is still an issue... especially (but that's my own very personal opinion) as many HR people are quite oldfashioned and uptight...



VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
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I love Germany but I could write a book about everything that is wrong with the German system. It is way more flexible in Canada. You don't have as many rights but a lot more chances. In Germany, companies are afraid to hire people because they have too many rights and they are afraid they are going to be stuck with them later if times get tough. Instead, they overwork the people they already have or they use manpower agencies. In Canada, companies are not afraid to hire because if you suck or times get tough, they can kick you out. You don't have to be afraid of that system because if you are let go, it's not too hard to find another job.

In Germany, everything is based on apprenticeship and apprentices basically make no money making it very hard to change careers. In Canada you can make the same money as an apprentice as a helper and every year it gets better so you have nothing to lose. My German buddies were surprised to see apprentices in their 40's or 50's in Canada. They said that would never happen in Germany, not just because of the money but also because they just wouldn't be given the chance.


Star Member
Feb 26, 2009
Toronto, ON
Hi Leon,
yes you are right - but I would rather say "chances are different" in Canada. Jobs here are not as secure as they are in Germany. But you are absolutely right: hiring in Canada is much quicker and easier. To me it seems that - if you loose your job in Canada you might have to search for 1 or 2 months. In Germany it takes at least 2-4 months just because the whole process is really slow... but on the other hand the German unemployment insurance is quite generous. And also the packages when you are laid off or "asked to leave" are much bigger!! :eek:)

I guess every system has its tops and flops... Canada does as much as Germany, France, England or any other country.

The only thing I really miss are the 6 weeks holidays!!! Argggh.... Living in Canada - such a beautiful and huge country and you can only travel for 3 weeks really sucks! :eek:))


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
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The job in Germany may be secure because they can't fire you but if the company gets stuck with more workers than they have work for, they go under and all of them lose their jobs instead of just the ones who would have been let go. Of course they have to offer you money to quit if they aren't allowed to lay you off :) Because of all the rights, Germans tend to stay for years in jobs they are not happy in, just waiting for the 6 week holiday and complaining the other 46 weeks ;)

I would say people in Canada have too few rights though. It's too easy to send people home with no pay when things get slow. It doesn't exactly encourage employers to get organized when they know they can send you home with 1 day notice and don't have to pay you anything.

Even though the paid vacation in Canada is only 2-3 weeks, you can still save up your overtime money and ask for an unpaid one. I've had coworkers who took 2 months off every year. You just have to negociate with your boss and it would help if you work in an occupation where you have a slow season.


Champion Member
Feb 10, 2009
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I do appreciate your comments and input but would like you to focus on the initial question.
I hope I am not sounding rude but, honestly as a German Citizen and a resident of UK, I am very much acquainted and know allot about Europe and these 2 countries especially, and as such would like to know more about North America (Canada). Even though I have done my home work about Canada, I am getting a bit anxious and depressed about this long wait. I know nobody here can change this, but please focus on Canada and the age problem that I questioned. I mean the pros and cons. ThankU.


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
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Yeah, I think I already said everything I planned to say about the difference between Canada and Europe. Canada is way more flexible. People change jobs a lot. A French lady I know who lives in Montreal was unemployed and therefore went to a job application seminar and they told them that in Canada, it's considered unhealthy if you work in one place more than say 5 years, 2-3 years better. If you stay too long in the same job, you are considered lazy, unmotivated and more comfortable with same old than seeking out new conquests. This is a far cry from Europe where people over 40 or 50 are afraid to change jobs because they believe they are too old to get hired. I'd say don't worry about it.


Hero Member
May 27, 2009
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But in Germany if we compare the social circle they call forgieners as (Auslanders) and auslanders are not welcome oftenly. I have never been to canada but i trust that mix up of cultures should not be a problem. I am talkin abt discrimination not bec of gender or age but at 360 degree. but i also like to mention that one of my friend is a canadian national and he told me that there is a lot of raceism in canada and lots of communities. is that true ?


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
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There is definitely racism in Canada like everywhere. Being an immigrant is not a huge problem. Most people in Canada are immigrants or their parents or grandparents were immigrants. The hurdles you have as an immigrant are more towards your education or job experience. Depending on where you come from, they may not be convinced that your education is equivalent to Canadian education or that your job experience is the same. You may have to offer them a good deal to start at a lower wage and show them what you can.


Hero Member
May 27, 2009
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AOR Received.
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Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
I also have this opportunity to say that Leon, Boby B, Rupeshari are just hero members but really they are Heros. Because the way you are helping people it is great. I should definattely appreciate that you guys really making wonderful job and gave help full and precious comments. Thanks a lot for your time and may be you dont understand that a little help of yours could change the other persons whole life. Definattely God will give you great reward for this wonderfull responsibility. May God bless you all.


Mar 11, 2009
USA experience

I know several people in the US who entered med school in their 40th. given the overall length of education they will start working when they are 50+
this does not seem to bother anyone here.
HR departments are afraid to be accused of discrimination. formally no limits are set.
there is a slight indirect age discrimination for medical residents. they are asked how many years after graduation. many programs put a cutoff of 20 years. on the other hand older grads with few years after graduation seem to get a position on equal terms with younger grads.
my superficial impression is that age discrimination is not a big issue
it comes to your perception of the situation and your "energy level"
you should be prepared to change and difficulties and longer working hours at the beginning.
I've noted reluctance of many immigrants to downgrade their career and lifestyle even temporarily.
it's worth mentioning that many of my compatriots in their 30th feel worn and exhausted.


Champion Member
Feb 10, 2009
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Thank you for the encouraging words. I highly appreciate your comments and analysis. Makes me a bit relaxed. I have always seen my self as a "Labour Force" even though I have once been the Technical director of a Company for 2 Years (before I resigned) and started to run my own small biz. Like I have always said in some of my earlier posts, I am open and ready to do any job, even if it has to be an entry level position as long as the employer does not start to complain of being overqualified (LOL). I can then show them what I can and I am sure my experience will speak for itself anyway.