Champion Member
Good day @caips note.
Please i need to understand the major reason application may be transferred to AVO from CIO after eligibility and other paremeters are passed except security not started and info sharing in progress. Does it mean it has gone for further eligibility review or just for an officer at VO to initiate security and issue PPR? Plus does the whole process start all over again at the VO or the officer will just follow through with all the recommendation from CIO. Any reason to be worried because of the transfer ? file transfer reason is still eligibiltity despite been passed at CIO already.
your response will be most appreciated.
Thanks for reaching out. Not to worry about the transfer, more so if your Eligibility is already Passed.
Is your Eligibility Passed like in this example or is it based on a web form response? If your Eligibility is conclusively passed then Security screening will start thereafter. Transfers can happen due to workload distribution or to address issues during Eligibility review and the LVO may be more in tune with local customs, practices, etc. If you can share what the Assessment section on page 2 of your GCMS looks like, that will be helpful as well.