Dear Ahmad,
I don't know the case in USA. But in India, if it is a pure Life Insurance, you will get back the amount you have paid as premium (and in some cases with bonus/ interest), if you are alive at the time of maturity. The problem is that, it will take a long period to mature it (say a period of 15 years/ 20 years)!!.
We have another instrument called ULIP (unit linked insurance policies), which is linked to stock market and insure your life too. It is some sort of an investment. Here, in addition to the amount of premium, on maturity, you will get a return for your risk (depending on stock market fluctuations, it may go up or down !!).
I don't know whether IO will accept it as liquid fund. But if you are confident, you can show the offer document of Insurance Company highlighting the relevant paragraphs.
(Initially, I too planned to show it as a proof of funds, but now according to the advises of senior members, not going to show it)
Good luck !!