I have got admit to Concordia University Alberta and have paid 1st year Tuition fees and GIC without any loan.
I have medical's scheduled later this weekend.
Guys Please tell me how much mininmum funds should i have in my account or parents before applying for VISA??
If i transfer any sort of funds in my account just prior to the VISA process , will the funds be background checked/ does it effect my VISA??
B.E Computers-70% with 3+ years experience in SAP
Need inputs really fast, guys please help me out....
I have got admit to Concordia University Alberta and have paid 1st year Tuition fees and GIC without any loan.
I have medical's scheduled later this weekend.
Guys Please tell me how much mininmum funds should i have in my account or parents before applying for VISA??
If i transfer any sort of funds in my account just prior to the VISA process , will the funds be background checked/ does it effect my VISA??
B.E Computers-70% with 3+ years experience in SAP
Need inputs really fast, guys please help me out....