In Jan/Feb/March 2011 many applicants got wrong status like Medical has been received and other wrong status but with in 3 weeks it all Reverce back to their original status.Canadian Dreams said:Guys... don't wanna be a heart breaker ... I am May 2010 applicant.
There used to be 1 link of "Application Received" only with single line inside of "Application received in May 2010"
On 22-11-11 my E-CAS also had the first ever activity i.e. what you all guys are experiencing.
2nd Link was added above the old one i.e. "Decision Made" with 3 lines.
* Application received on May 2010
* We sent mail to you in August 2010. Please expect delay
* A decision had been made. Office will contact you regarding decision.
SO to conclude
> Not all have got this status.
> NOCs not in demand or not in 29 list have got this status.
> Decision Made before Medicals generally means Rejection.
> I wonder why we call it bug. CIC website is not vulnerable to virus attacks/flaws/errors so it is definitely not a Bug.
> People updating such status are not fools. They know what they are uploading.
> They have excess of applications with ever increasing backlogs so VOs must had been instructed to scrutinize applications very critically.
> VO can fetch out Minor reasons for rejections cuz they have to clear backlogs.
So i guess this is "Curtains to Canada" & start thinking about life in your own respective country.
So wait for first week of Dec 2011, lets see what happens.
Always pray.
Check these links who got errors in status Jan/Feb/March 2011.