Jergens said:
hii...i received the mail to pay RPRF fee last day. I am not clear about the payment details. can anyone tell me the procedure to pay the RPRF mail. can it be paid using debit card? i am in UK at present and i am trying to pay it from here...after payment the receipt should be couriered or i can email it to visa office? pls help me
Go to the link they provided. They may ask you to sign in in that case you can sign in if you hsve already paid online fee with cic before or just enter your email Id and password then sign in.
you will reach the RPRF fee page. I think u must use cc not debit card.
pay the fee and in a short while you will receive a receipt for the payment you made via email.
it's a form which you have to fill. Take two copies of that form. Fill it.keep one copy for your reference.
scan the other one and send it via email to the email id they provided.
also send the ssme paper copy to cvo postal address along with other documents if there is any.
hope it helps.