This is why I think once my gf somehow would receive New Brunswick ITA we will accept one. I never actually read what he said it at the time and I knew it about it. After reading this I am shocked and to be fair. I think guys he knows exactly what is going but he will not whistle anything by. Simple as that. What about next year? I mean come on, surely they cannot have that many ******* CECs in the country? I wonder who will pay taxes for social and other support that lower class will require and who will take jobs in high skilled fields
This is just getting bad
I am still hopping there will be FSW draw some time this year. Maybe we should send this screenshot to Kubeir to see what will be his reaction to that hahah 
Do not take me wrong. Personally I think there should another path for CEC but leave the FSW alone and do not mix these people as simple as that.
Do not take me wrong. Personally I think there should another path for CEC but leave the FSW alone and do not mix these people as simple as that.