To me, uprooting moving part is not that big of a trouble. It cuts only for few weeks.
What is really painful is the uncertainty of whole process: The what ifs. Like
1. OMG My wife has to renew her OWP! What if they reject her SOWP?
2. What if I made a mistake in form?
3. What if I entered Iceland inplace of india? (I kid you not this almost happened, though my lawyer was more to blame).
4. OMG! What if I was fired! will I have to withdraw her application? (I kid you not, it happened with one of my friend).
5.OMG! YES! She will not be avail to renew her SOWP! What will I do?
6. What if asked her to leave Canada?
7. What if she has to take a flight back? Now? In middle of pandemic? (I know they processed one guys and kicked him out even though he worked as a nurse in covid care)
8. What if she got COVID on the way?
9. OMG! They just removed restoring to a different authorization!!! I cann't restore her to visitor!
and on and on and on
IRCC does not help by having many many many months long waiting. SOWP was taking 8-9 months. borders were closed, no flagpolling.

Horrible time.
Living with this uncertainties for long time is tiring. And really, it is not your fault too. It is IRCC being son of a **$*$$ and processing their stuff so slow.