I'm in what I'd think is probably a somewhat rare position of qualifying for for the FSW program, and also as a self-employed person, both with valid employment experience, but under different job designations.
Is there a down-side to applying to both, other than the cost? Would it lessen my chances if the CIC saw my name in line for two different programs?
Also, I can't find any good data on how long the self-employed path takes, but it seems that it takes a long time, 3+ years perhaps? The FSW path would probably be a better option from a time-perspective, correct? It seems like the FSW path is very active, and more of a known process. The self-employed path, not as much...
Is there a down-side to applying to both, other than the cost? Would it lessen my chances if the CIC saw my name in line for two different programs?
Also, I can't find any good data on how long the self-employed path takes, but it seems that it takes a long time, 3+ years perhaps? The FSW path would probably be a better option from a time-perspective, correct? It seems like the FSW path is very active, and more of a known process. The self-employed path, not as much...