Just got off the phone with a very helpful "Wendy". Basically my AOR is on July 1 and meds passed 20th July and they issued UCI number same day along with a request for my FBI PCC. I submitted it later on 22nd and from then I'm stuck. Guess what, she said my file is undergoing eligibility and was not touched until Aug 22 and she also added there's a very very good chance of being shipped to Ottawa right after eligibility's finished/something as my address listed and phone numbers were of U.S. I asked about background check, she said not started too. So basically its CIC sitting on my file all until now. Huge sign of relief they'd not yet started processing till now (Because once they do now they have all they need from my side hopefully quick). I asked about a govt. letter an official issued/ I submitted along and she said they will be looking at it after eligibility. She asked me to confirm all of my phone number and address details and gosh they even have a number I gave 'em 4 years ago (I submitted paper tourist application from NY visa office)..
@legalfalcon SO files are shipped to CPC from CIO sydney after eligibility check or before? Can you please tell us what the scenarios are here?
If your files are at CIO there's a very very good chance they're not doing anything until its like 30 maybe 40+ days and ship it off to LVO/CPC.. So Order your GCMS so that most probably it would trigger an agent review and hopefully some movement. Until then grab a beer, keep posting updates here, chill and calm tf out.. Just my 0.02 cents
Many congratulations my man
@johnsyk Much deserved n waited in your case. Can you enlighten me what would be the case from here?? Also I ordered GCMS Aug 3rd. When should I ideally order my second GCMS n does it trigger any action as they say?